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Call Of Duty:Black Ops 《使命召唤:黑色行动》

Call Of Duty:Black Ops 《使命召唤:黑色行动》

热度 9087

最新版本 cod7
类别 游戏
更新时间 2017-09-12

Call of Duty: Black Ops includes the "First Strike" DLC! Enjoy 4 additional multiplayer maps and an additional zombie experience. Play the Rezurrection DLC, available via in-app purchase, offering 4 re-mastered levels of spooky Zombie lore, plus an all new Moon level!


Call of Duty: Black Ops for the Mac takes players to conflicts across the globe as elite Black Ops forces fight in the deniable operations and secret wars that occurred under the veil of the Cold War. The included First Strike DLC gives you 5 additional incredibly diverse maps, including 4 new multiplayer maps and a chilling new Zombie experience. Call of Duty: Black Ops features an epic single-player campaign, an incredibly deep Mac-to-Mac multiplayer experience and expanded co-op gameplay.


We do NOT recommend that you play Call of Duty: Black Ops on any of the following unsupported graphic chipsets:
HD3000 (2011 Mac Mini, 2011 MacBook Air, 2011 13” MacBook Pro)
HD4000 (2012 13” MacBook Pro)
ATI Radeon HD 2000 series, HD 4670, HD 6490M, HD6630M
NVIDIA 8000 & 9000 series, GT100 series, 320M, 330M
Intel Integrated GMA950, x3100

● Please Check System Requirements Prior to Purchasing. ●

In order to run the game with satisfactory performance, your Mac must meet these minimum system requirements:
2.4 GHz CPU Speed | 4 GB RAM | 15 GB free disk space | (ATI): Radeon HD 3870 | 512 MB VRam

Call of Duty: Black Ops supports both the Microsoft Xbox 360 wired gamepad AND the PlayStation 3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller

NOTICE: We have created default settings for the most optimal experience on the Mac. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR THE BEST PLAY PERFORMANCE

NOTICE: Call of Duty: Black Ops is a VERY large file size. Please be patient when downloading.

NOTICE: Internet connection required for Multiplayer and Zombies

NOTICE: 10.7 and above required for In-App Purchases

© 2010-2017 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY and CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software (”Id Technology”). Id Technology ©1999-2017 Id Software, Inc. Published and distributed by Aspyr Media, Inc. “Aspyr” and the Aspyr “star” logo are federally registered trademarks of Aspyr Media, Inc. Aspyr makes no guarantees regarding the availability of online play, and may modify or discontinue online service in its discretion without notice, including for example, ceasing online service for economic reasons due to a limited number of players continuing to make use of the service over time. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.



感谢群友Phoenix Prince提供



如果出现fatal error就断网,如果出现zombies不能玩儿,就退出游戏,断网后点开游戏,出画面以后马上开网,就可以了


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版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
cod7 英文 2017-09-12 11.1G 百度云盘