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Magic Sort List 3.5.1 乱序文本智能排序

Magic Sort List 3.5.1 乱序文本智能排序

热度 4058

最新版本 3.5.1
类别 应用软件
更新时间 2023-04-27

Magic Sort List是一款Mac上的文档编辑软件,Magic Sort List可以帮助用户对大段乱序的文本进行智能排序,Magic Sort List具有革命性的排序引擎,其他排序应用程序可以很好地按字母表排序,但遇到非零填充数字则可能会失败,Magic Sort List就可以帮助你解决这些问题。


Magic Sort List是一款Mac上的文档编辑软件,Magic Sort List可以帮助用户对大段乱序的文本进行智能排序,Magic Sort List具有革命性的排序引擎,其他排序应用程序可以很好地按字母表排序,但遇到非零填充数字则可能会失败,Magic Sort List就可以帮助你解决这些问题。

Do You have lists which are unsorted and do not have a spreadsheet ready to sort it ? Don't despair, Magic Sort List is here to the rescue.

Magic Sort List comes with our revolutionary sorting engine which we have perfected and further refined over the years

Other sorting application is good at sorting alphabetical list but failed when encountering non-zero padded numbers. Have you ever sorted a list of say, 5 1 10 and ended up with a list like 1 10 5 ? Magic Sort List treats numbers as numbers and will give you a proper sorted list of 1 5 10. It does not matter if the numbers are at the beginning of the text or somewhere in the middle, Magic Sort List is up to the challenge.

Key Strengths of Magic Sort List

  • Sort List in either the Ascending or Descending Order

  • Smart Sort option which will treat numbers as numbers no matter if they are zero padded or not

  • Has the ability to Group and Add Alphabetic Headers in a sorted list

  • Can help remove duplicates entry within the list and remove blank lines

  • Provides the option to ignore certain prefixes to the list such as A, An and The. Not just those but you can set your own prefix ignore list

  • Add Running Index Number in front of each line which is zero padded so the list would look neat

  • Change Text Case - All Lowercase, All Uppercase, Capitalize 1st Letter of Each Word, Capitalize 1st Letter of 1st Word and No Change.

  • The No Sort option allows you to Remove Duplicates and Add Index Number to your list

  • Saving the Sorted Lists in the built-in database for future retrieval and re-sorting

  • As the lists (both unsorted and sorted) are text based files, you can export them to anywhere which requires the sorted list.

  • Can Share the Sorted List with a variety of applications through the Mac's Share Menu

  • Support for Accented Characters





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  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
3.5.1 英文 2023-04-27 21.2M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.8 英文 2022-12-15 21.1M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.7 英文 2022-08-19 21.4M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.6 英文 2022-07-25 19.2M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.5 英文 2022-06-24 20M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.4 英文 2022-05-11 20M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.1 英文 2022-03-14 19.3M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.4.0 英文 2022-02-17 19.3M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.8 英文 2021-11-26 19.1M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.6 英文 2021-08-25 18M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.5 英文 2021-06-28 18.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.4 英文 2021-05-27 18.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.3 英文 2021-04-06 18.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.2 英文 2021-01-04 18.9M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.1 英文 2020-11-27 12.2M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
3.3.0 英文 2020-09-17 10.9M 蓝奏云 城通网盘