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Xpressive 2.0.0 网页实时可视化编辑工具

Xpressive 2.0.0 网页实时可视化编辑工具

热度 3123

最新版本 2.0.0
类别 开发工具
更新时间 2016-10-12



Xpressive是一款 CSS3 开发编辑工具,支持实时预览功能,能够帮助我们轻松地进行网页开发设计工作,具备很多直观的 HTML5 和 CSS3 编辑功能,在你编辑、修改、保存代码的同时可以直接预览你的网页内容变化。


What`s new with Version 2.0
This has been big major update since Xpressive 1.0 was released. A lot of features are improved and It has much faster process now.
Xpressive 2.0 is progressed as a smart HTML & CSS Editor ever.

-Improvement to Userinterface
•Black And White Themes For Interface:Now you can change two types of themes for user-interface "free".[⇧ + ⌘ + U]
•Userinterface is Redesigned : Beginners in mind. Not for only professionals, It`s improved for Beginner user.

-Improvement to Logic
•Build Process:Improved process for creating HTML and CSS files. You can build whole updated files at once with [⌘ + B].
•CocoaHttpServer Integration:HTML runs on CocoaHttpServer. So you can edit them as if they are running on the server.
•A New Cache Management System: Memory leak detection is improved to reduce errors and run stably for long hours.

-Improvement to DOM Element Control And Edit
•An Intuitive Control To Resize & Move DOM Element: You can resize selected element in preview with dragging 8 handles.
•An Intuitive Control to Move DOM Element : You can move selected element by dragging element directly.
•Direct Text Edit System:You can edit selected DOMText directly. Just select a element and simply hitting the return key. You can edit DOMText directly in preview.
•A New Inspector For Attribute Editing : id, class and more, Xpressive has an intuitive editor to edit attributes properties which basicaly often used.
•A New Inspector For Attribute Style Editing : Attribute Style Editor consists of 3 inspectors.
Attribute Arrange Inspector- Size, Position, Padding, Margin, Layout, Z-Index, Overflor, Transform
Attribute Styling Inspector - BackgroundColor, Opacity, Border, BorderRadius, BoxShadow, Filter
Attribute Text Inspector- Font, TextShadow
•Menu for DOM Element is Improved: To edit dom element smartly, Xpressive provides many functions to generate code.
[Replace, Embed, UnEmbed, Add Element, Add Snippet, Duplicate Element(1,5,10,25,50,100 times),Remove All Children,New Rule With Style,Move Style Into,Clear Style,Save As Snippet,Copy As A HTML String, Copy As A HTML String for Script, and more.]

•Optimisation for scrolling speed of Webkit preview and other Outlineview : Now It scrolls calmly faster now.
•Improvement to Capture : You can take a screen capture of selected element alone.(For your document creation and more)
•Downloading : All Resources are bundled up in one directory now.
•Snippet Control : You can add and delete html tag in "Spotlight".
And More.




本站所有dmg、zip 打开密码均为 xclient.info


  1. 本站DMG、zip统一打开密码:xclient.info
  2. 如遇:「xxx.app已损坏,打不开。你应该将它移到废纸篓」,请参考:《新手常见问题》中“下载好的DMG 打不开”第二项中内容;如果仅是部分TNT软件闪退打不开,参考《修复TNT和谐软件闪退问题》
  3. 激活工具在新系统10.12中打不开。参照 让Special-K系列Patch工具运行在macOS sierra 10.12上让CORE Keygen系列注册机成功运行在macOS sierra 10.12上的方法
  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
2.0.0 英文 2016-10-12 15.7M 百度云盘