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VideoToolbox 1.0.19 简单好用的视频编辑工具

VideoToolbox 1.0.19 简单好用的视频编辑工具

热度 3383

最新版本 1.0.19
类别 媒体工具
更新时间 2017-02-15

VideoToolbox是一套为新手和专业人士设置的MP4和M4V编辑工具。您不再需要启动Quicktime X或Final Cut Pro。VideoToolbox将改变你的习惯,节省你的时间。


VideoToolbox is a set of mp4 and m4v tools. This app allows you to easily access all your tools in a beautiful and clear interface. You no longer need to launch Quicktime X or Final Cut Pro to simply extract a picture or change the resolution. VideoToolbox will change your habits and save you time.

Here is the list of tools:
• The media info tool extracts movie information to TXT, RTF, XML, JSON, and PLIST..
• The snaps tool captures movie frames selected at regular time intervals.
• The thumbnails tool builds an informative preview image of the movie.
• The timelapse tool produces a time lapse saved as an m4v file or as a gif.
• The flipbook tool generates printable flip books from movie files.
• The export tool converts movies to other formats from a list of presets.
• The metadata tool reads and edits metadata tags of mp4 and m4v files.

Moreover, each tool has its own interface that fits in what you are doing at every moment. Multiple tasks can be launched at the same time and notifications displayed when the tasks are finished.

VideoToolbox includes advanced features which are directly supported by the player and the tools. You can rotate, flip and trim the movie and all the extracted images will automatically apply this new transformation. You can also extract the current frame and share it on all your preferred social services (Facebook, Twitter, Flikr, etc).

In conclusion, VideoToolbox has just been launched, but it is designed to evolve and incorporate new tools in future updates. All movies which can be read by Quicktime X are supported (mp4, m4v, mov, 4k, ...).





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  1. 本站DMG、zip统一打开密码:xclient.info
  2. 如遇:「xxx.app已损坏,打不开。你应该将它移到废纸篓」,请参考:《新手常见问题》中“下载好的DMG 打不开”第二项中内容;如果仅是部分TNT软件闪退打不开,参考《修复TNT和谐软件闪退问题》
  3. 激活工具在新系统10.12中打不开。参照 让Special-K系列Patch工具运行在macOS sierra 10.12上让CORE Keygen系列注册机成功运行在macOS sierra 10.12上的方法
  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
1.0.19 英文 2017-02-15 11M 城通网盘 百度云盘