Timing 是一款 Mac OS X 上的时间跟踪统计工具,完全的自动化进行统计,不需要你手动去开启、关闭定时器
Timing 的使用方法很简单,你只需要开着它它就会在后台默默的记录着你的操作。当你需要查看汇总时它会列出你在每个程序上的使用时间,而且可以显示出具体在哪些时间段以及对应的时长,而浏览器的话更可以显示你在哪个网站上的浏览时间。
Timing 的左侧是各种程序分类,其默认已经对系统内置程序进行了分类,你可以自行再创建、整理这些分类,使用不同的颜色显示令其更容易查看。
Version 1.7.5:
- Timing will no longer detect idle time when the frontmost app prevents the screen from going dark (e.g. because you are playing a video}
- Improved reliability of automatic updates on macOS 10.12 Sierra by providing the app in a signed DMG file
Bug Fixes
- Further reduced AppleScript tracking; this should ensure that no apps behave differently when running Timing, in particular for Chinese users
- Dragging multiple activities that started with the same text onto a project will now add all these activities to the project
- Clicking recap notifications will now open the main app as expected
- Fixed a crash in the menu item for Timing 1.7.4 (which was only available for a short time)
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