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Paws for Trello 2.2.2 精美的Trello客户端工具

Paws for Trello 2.2.2 精美的Trello客户端工具

热度 13975

最新版本 2.2.2
类别 应用软件
更新时间 2017-07-11



Paws for Trello是一款macOS平台的Trello客户端工具,可以在mac电脑上运行的Trello客户端,Trello的实时消息推送、快捷操作,免除在使用浏览器导致分神的烦恼



  • Multiple windows will now work as you would expect! We’ve rewritten a bunch of stuff around how the app works so when you have multiple windows open they will now be listed in the Window menu, will accept shortcuts correctly and more!
  • Right-click on the menubar icon will now give you options and access to your starred boards


  • Finally fixed window being cut off when switching between full screen and windowed mode – for users that had specifc zoom level set
  • App will now remember what board or card you were on when restoring the window
  • Added link and shortcut to the handy My Cards page in Boards menu
  • You are now able to export and download JSON files for cards and boards (as opposed to break the app when you try)
  • Improved scrollbars and close button on card details
  • Security fixes and improvements
  • Improved reliability of navigating between Boards any My Cards page using shortcuts


  • Fixed login pages in Welcome section not being readable after recent updates
  • Fixed Dropbox Power up authentication issues – we know the other ones are broken and we’re working on it!
  • Fixed overlapping email verification banner for new Trello users
  • The welcome window can now be resized and full-screened without breaking




本站所有dmg、zip 打开密码均为 xclient.info


  1. 本站DMG、zip统一打开密码:xclient.info
  2. 如遇:「xxx.app已损坏,打不开。你应该将它移到废纸篓」,请参考:《新手常见问题》中“下载好的DMG 打不开”第二项中内容;如果仅是部分TNT软件闪退打不开,参考《修复TNT和谐软件闪退问题》
  3. 激活工具在新系统10.12中打不开。参照 让Special-K系列Patch工具运行在macOS sierra 10.12上让CORE Keygen系列注册机成功运行在macOS sierra 10.12上的方法
  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
2.2.2 英文 2017-07-11 66.7M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.2.1 英文 2017-07-03 66.8M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.1.3 简体中文 2017-04-26 50.1M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.1.1 简体中文 2017-04-09 50.1M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.1.0 简体中文 2017-03-23 50.1M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.0.3 简体中文 2017-02-14 40M 城通网盘 百度云盘
2.0.2 简体中文 2017-02-04 47.4M 城通网盘 百度云盘