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MacProxy 3.0.10 代理工具

MacProxy 3.0.10 代理工具

热度 12971

最新版本 3.0.10
类别 网络工具
更新时间 2019-08-01



MacProxy allows you to surf the internet from behind a firewall, connect securely when using public WiFi networks, and navigate the internet without being tracked.
Create profiles which include proxies, rules, and DNS settings. Profiles may be imported and exported (XML) so they can be shared with others. MacProxy supports a variety of SOCKS and HTTP proxy protocols, integrated SSH tunnel support, and proxy chains. Add rules that specify which proxy to use, connect directly, or block the connection.

MacProxy provides a simple and intuitive user interface via a menubar menulet control and a System Preferences pane. Use the menulet to quickly change the active profile and check the current status.


  • redirect Mac network traffic to any compatible SOCKS or HTTP proxy server
  • works with browsers, email, chat, FTP, telnet, and other network applications
  • proxy support for applications that do not support proxies
  • create profiles which include proxies, rules, and DNS settings
  • enable and switch active profiles conveniently from a menulet
  • import and export profiles (XML)
  • support for SOCKS proxy protocols including versions 4, 4a, and 5
  • support for HTTP/web proxy protocols including transparent, non-transparent, and connect
  • integrated SSH tunnel support - connect securely to a remote Mac/PC
  • specify SSH tunnel client/server keys, server alive time, and preferred cipher
  • create proxy chains that connect through multiple proxies
  • determine which proxy protocol a server supports using the included proxy checker
  • track session statistics including the number of active connections and data sent/received
  • specify which ports to forward (HTTP proxies only)
  • anonymize requests setting (HTTP non-transparent only)
  • specify rules based on applications, hosts, and ports
  • set rule action to use a proxy, connect directly, or block connections
  • specify which hosts to resolve locally and remotely
  • multiple user support - works for all users on a Mac
  • IPv6 support
  • logging support





本站所有dmg、zip 打开密码均为 xclient.info


  1. 本站DMG、zip统一打开密码:xclient.info
  2. 如遇:「xxx.app已损坏,打不开。你应该将它移到废纸篓」,请参考:《新手常见问题》中“下载好的DMG 打不开”第二项中内容;如果仅是部分TNT软件闪退打不开,参考《修复TNT和谐软件闪退问题》
  3. 激活工具在新系统10.12中打不开。参照 让Special-K系列Patch工具运行在macOS sierra 10.12上让CORE Keygen系列注册机成功运行在macOS sierra 10.12上的方法
  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
3.0.10 英文 2019-08-01 2.9M 城通网盘 百度云盘