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Infographics Maker - Templates 3.3 Illustrate及Pages设计模板套件

Infographics Maker - Templates 3.3 Illustrate及Pages设计模板套件

热度 4686

最新版本 3.3
类别 行业软件
更新时间 2018-10-12

Infographics Maker - Templates是一款macOS平台的illustrate及Pages设计模板套件,内置了大量可视化的illustrate及Pages设计模板以及相关设计素材,大大提高我们的工作效率。


Infographics Maker contains a massive collection of thousands of data visualization tools to illustrate and enhance your documents pages Apple! Each individual element is perfectly designed to be visually captivating and easily customizable.

Infographics Maker for Pages has items for virtually any occasion, from graphs and charts to editable maps of cities, states, countries and regions, accompanied by a wide selection of flags and national symbols, it has never been easier to explain business results, complexities an industry, or focus on the national characteristics of any country!

All images include transparent backgrounds that allow placing them on colored backgrounds and / or printed. Many elements are designed in ways, so you can easily customize them to suit your needs.

Infographics Maker is designed for use with Apple pages, but can also adapt images for Apple Keynote, Numbers, iBooks Author and other applications.

Requirements: Apple Pages 6.0 or later is recommended ….





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版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
3.3 英文 2018-10-12 70M 城通网盘 百度云盘
3.2.6 英文 2018-06-18 69.6M 城通网盘 百度云盘