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Chronicle Pro 14.6.0 优秀的财务管理工具

Chronicle Pro 14.6.0 优秀的财务管理工具

热度 17248

最新版本 14.6.0
类别 应用软件
更新时间 2024-10-22

Chronicle 是一款Mac上优秀的财务管理工具,Chronicle支持自动提醒,不用在担心忘记缴费,如提醒你房租、网费、手机费等,帮助你记住已支付的订单和未支付的开销,支持和iPhone数据同步,非常的不错。


  • 它是一个简单但功能强大的管理您帐单的程序。
  • 您可以与iCal与MobileMe或其他日历纪事或多台Mac之间同步数据,并能创建多个纪事日历
  • 不要担心错过了缴费,因为它会提醒您到期时间
  • 当您支付账单时,它会跟踪您的总量平衡和进度。
  • 纪录您的付款历史和每个法案,以供参考或付款凭证。
  • 分析消费历史并统计发展趋势
  • 快速查看您的所有账单和网上支付


You need Chronicle if you pay bills. It gives you the peace of mind of never having to worry about whether you paid a bill again.

Even if you use another finance application for general finance, you need Chronicle. One late payment can wreak havoc on your credit score, leading to higher interest rates and denied loans-- in short, completely affecting your financial life.

That's why you need Chronicle. Chronicle will remind you when your bills are due, even when it isn't running. And in just a few minutes a month, you can handle everything related to paying your bills.

Never forget a bill -- get reminded when your bills are due with alerts that can be synced to your iPhone and across all your Macs, even when Chronicle isn't running.
Easily pay your bills online using Chronicle's integrated browser, or your default browser.
Keep proof of all your payments -- store confirmation numbers and receipts right in Chronicle, so you always have proof of your payments.
Get reminders in your notification center and put bills on your calendar. Chronicle can remind you via notification center on Mountain Lion, and on all Macs, can add your bills to your calendar so you can visually see when they are due.
Version 7.0.2:
Note: Currently available for $9.99

Improved repeat intervals. Chronicle now includes repeat intervals for specific days of the week (like 2nd Wednesday of the month, etc), plus a special custom repeat interval for paying estimated taxes in the U.S. The new repeat intervals can be accessed by selecting "Custom" on the repeat interval field.
Improved Tag Behavior: You can now search for tags using the search field. In addition, you can now use the search field to further narrow down bills due soon or due in the current month. For example, you can select click "Due This Month" on the sidebar, and then select a tag in the search field to show only bills matching that tag due in the current month.
Refined, improved design. More information and options for how information is displayed on the Overview. In addition, the design has been improved so that information is easier to sort and access. Search can now be accessed from anywhere, not just the overview.
More icons. Icons for cloud drive services, clubs & organizations, food, jewelry and savings have been added.
CSV Export. You can now export all of your payment history for any bill.
Periodic crashing in some cases.
An issue where the days until due would not update after Mac went to sleep.
iCloud sync reliability has been improved, and several sync-related crashes have been fixed.





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  4. 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者.pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。


版本号 语言 更新时间 文件大小 下载
14.6.0 英文 2024-10-22 10.9M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.5.6 英文 2024-09-05 10.6M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.5.5 英文 2024-08-26 10.6M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.5.2 英文 2024-08-13 10.6M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.4.0 英文 2023-11-20 10.5M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.3.2 英文 2023-10-31 10.3M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.3.0 英文 2023-10-08 10.3M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.2.2 英文 2023-05-05 9.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.2.0 英文 2023-02-13 9.8M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.0.3 英文 2022-08-22 9.8M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
14.0.2 英文 2022-08-19 9M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
9.7.3 英文 2020-12-04 24.8M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
9.7.2 英文 2020-08-24 21.8M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
9.7.0 英文 2020-07-13 21.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
9.6.1 英文 2020-03-16 21.7M 蓝奏云 城通网盘
9.5.3 英文 2020-01-13 21.8M 城通网盘 百度云盘
9.5.2 英文 2019-12-16 21.8M 城通网盘 百度云盘
9.1.1 英文 2019-05-29 21.1M 城通网盘 百度云盘
9.1.0 英文 2019-05-16 21.1M 城通网盘 百度云盘
9.0.0 英文 2019-02-21 21.5M 城通网盘 百度云盘
8.7.1 英文 2019-01-06 21.4M 城通网盘 百度云盘